
This is a test summary

This is a test. I will need (1) some inline latex $a = b$ and (2) some block latex:

$$ A = B $$

Let’s be crazy with a more complex equations :

$$ \gamma=\min \left(1, \sqrt{\frac{K \log K}{(e-1) g}}\right) $$

Let’s try the alternative math mode : \(G_{\max }(T)\) and the block

\[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{E}(\hat{w} \mid X) & =\mathrm{E}\left(\left(X^{\mathrm{T}} X\right)^{-1} X^{\mathrm{T}}(X w+H) \mid X\right) \\ & =\mathrm{E}\left(\left(X^{\mathrm{T}} X\right)^{-1} X^{\mathrm{T}} X w+\left(X^{\mathrm{T}} X\right)^{-1} X^{\mathrm{T}} H \mid X\right)\end{aligned}\]